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Dine with the Directors

It starts with incredible residents. Then add talent and dedicated staff. Come learn more about our community through the people who help our residents live and thrive each and every day. Our leaders will tell it like it is.

Bring your questions and get honest answers from our top leadership including our new Executive Director Danielle Geyer who brings a wealth of experience to her role at FV Brandywine.

You’ll get a rare look at what goes into our reputation for excellence, including:

  • How we deliver top-notch hospitality, health care, and other services.
  • What you could expect in your day-to-day experience as a resident here.
  • What we look for when hiring and training the best staff.

We also want to take this opportunity to share with you our HUGE end-of-year savings. Right now ALL available units at Freedom Village are currently available with a variety of incentives. You can save up to 20% off your Entrance Fee, potentially $100,000. Let our Directors share with you how to take advantage of this opportunity!

Please RSVP by calling 610-440-4705 or by filling out this form.


November 15, 2022
11:00 am


The Desmond
1 Liberty Blvd.
Malvern, PA 19355 United States
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